Houdini straitjacket
Houdini straitjacket

Interestingly, Long Tack Sam, who was a friend of Houdini's was very well versed in the Needle Trick, having learned it in China. In the book, he says the East Indian Needle trick originated with a magician named Ramo Sami in early 19th Century London. Once again, I refer to Houdini-The Key, and Patrick Culliton's knowledge. In many cases he did create something original. A Houdini trick was a very specific sort of thing and he really knew how to find and develop those routines that fit him.

houdini straitjacket

Make no mistake, though he may not have created everything he did, it all had his unique stamp on it. I'm just giving some background as to where some of his material originated. He was and always will be an iconic performer. I hope everyone who read Part 1 understands, I'm not criticizing Houdini or passing any sort of judgement on him.

Houdini straitjacket